donderdag 27 januari 2011

Latte Art

There's nothing better than enjoying a cup of cappuccino. I'm not really a person who drinks (black) coffee, but when I ad some milk and sugar I think It's ok..
But what I do love to drink is cappuccino! First I didn't like anything that tasted like coffee (accept for the frappuccino's.. Who doesn't love these?). But about a year ago my mom and dad bought this Nepresso machine to make cappuccino, and after trying a cup of (home made) cappuccino, I wasn't drinking anything else except for cappuccino!

There's something cozy about going to a coffee bar with friends and drink a cappuccino with a delicious sweet, like cheesecake, yummy.
I found some pictures of Latte Art. It's like making figures with the froth on top of the cappuccino. It's almost a sin to drink it..
I think you need some training to do this perfectly, because It looks really hard.

Not really my thing, so I'll stick by just drinking a delicious cappuccino!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I really want to learn this! thank you for sharing!! ;) Zeer mooi!

    Missing Amsie Blog

  2. It's pretty, isn't it? :)
    I would like to learn this myself, but I think I would suck at it, at least for the first 1000 times of trying, haha.
