This time I'm going to let myself say these words which I think that make me look like I'm spoiled, but..
There by Jessica Simpson and called: ''The Dany shoe''
The first time I saw these cool heels I was like: ''I got to find out from which brand they are''.
Normally I'm not that big of a ''high heel girl'', but I allready saw myself walking around in these beauties during the summer!
I prefer the black ones, but I also think the brown ones got a little something.. I'm pretty attached to black, so I thought: ''If I'm going to buy them, I'll probably go for the black ones''.
So the big search on the internet was started and I found out that they also were on sale now! But by reading further the death making sense made my happy thoughts a little less happier.. ''Currently we do not ship orders internationally''.
I allready made some room on my wishlist for you Dany, but I had to wake up from my beautiful dream.
So.. bye bye beautiful dream, I didn't want to wake up from you, but I got to start searching for some look-a-likes.